Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Benefits of Salmon for Health

Salmon is a kind of fish belonging to the family of Salmonidae. Other fish that tends to be one family with salmon is trout. The difference is the live migration of salmon compared with trout residing. Salmon live in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

In general, salmon are anadromous species, a species that migrate to breed. Salmon was born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean, then return to freshwater to reproduce. There is a belief that the salmon is always returned to the same place where he was born to breed, but the reason why it happened and how salmon can save the memory is still a mystery.

Talking about the benefits, besides the good taste, salmon has a lot of benefits for health:

  1. Beneficial to the brain
    Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which known to support brain function by increasing the memory.
  2. Lowering blood pressure
    The above mentioned Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon will help lower your cholesterol. They also helps lower your blood pressure and even prevent hardening of your arteries which will lessen your chances of having a heart attack.
  3. Prevent macular degeneration
    Salmon can help prevent macular degeneration, dryness, loss of vision and fatigue of eyes. Study shows that persons who eat fishes regularly have better vision.
  4. Protect against Sunburn
    Another benefit of omega-3s anti-inflammatory effects may be their ability to protect our skin against sunburn, and possibly, skin cancer.

More: 10 health benefits of salmon