Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar provides many benefits such as household cleansing, outdoor use and more, but is apple cider vinegar health benefits are truly beneficial for health?

If you drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day mixed with 1 cup of water, it can be proved to be very healthy for your health. Take this mixture every day has been known to boost the immune system, promote the digestive tract, eliminate toxins from the body, improve the aches and pains caused by arthritis and joint stiffness and also can help control diabetes. It has also been said to help with high blood pressure, cholesterol, and fight asthma.

Apple cider vinegar is also good to bathe in. If you put the cup to a quart of warm water bath, it will help restore the acid-base balance in the body. Bad food we eat, we feel stress and drugs we take, among others, can make our bodies acidic. When the body is acidic, yeast, bacteria, viruses and cancer will tend to grow and wreak havoc on our bodies.

When the body is alkaline balance of foreign bacteria, viruses, yeast and cancer can not live. Taking a bath of apple vinegar is a great way to help keep your body healthy from the inside out. Bathing in a tub of apple cider vinegar can also help with sun burns and other skin problems.

There are also many health problems that apple cider vinegar can help and even heal as well. Acne is one of them. You can take one part vinegar to 3 parts water and apply it to your problem area and let dry for 10 minutes then rinse it and this will help to clear acne. You can also gargle with vinegar and it will help to cure bad breath.

There are many health benefits to using apple cider vinegar in your daily diet and routine. This can be great precautions to be used for many health problems and has no harmful side effects like so many drugs on the market today. It is definitely worth trying and it is inexpensive too.